Associazione Internazionale della Medaglia Miracolosa

Associazione Internazionale della Medaglia Miracolosa

Intenzioni di preghiera
Please pray for my mother D., that she has a good and successful surgery this week to treat her cancer. Pray she has a full quick recovery, that she keeps her job, and that she returns to complete health. Thank You
Matko Boza prosze o trzezwosc w moim domu, rodzinie. O uwolnienie mojego taty i mojego brata z alkoholizmu. O ich nawrócenie i ich powrót do Boga i do kościoła.
Please mother pray for me to get my job posting near my hometown to take care of my family and health.
Lord God thank You for blessing Dad with a cancer free clean bill of health in Jesus name
Prions pour touts les orphelins du monde entier

Ti prego per mio marito C. che possano accettare la domanda di trasferimento e andare a Palermo, e che regni la pace e l unione

Por la salvación eterna de todos los moribundos de hoy
Je demande des prières pour ma femme, sa santé (perte de cheveux) et sa grossesse. Pour notre santé à tous (mes yeux et ma vue). Merci beaucoup pour vos prières. Je vous remercie du fond du cœur.
My mother c. owns a old house, at her age to go about offices is difficult please a prayer that the document trouble be ended with no anxiety
Matko Boza prosze o dar nieba dla mojego zmarłego pradziadka S. oraz dla zmarłych z jego rodziny.

Por las Benditas Almas del Purgatorio, especialmente las de mi familia.

Please continue urgent prayer, that the leakage in certain places in the ceiling and bloating in the wall which appears to travel upwards in the living room apartment, is cured with no anxiety in a manner that we are never bothered by it after that,

Please pray for me that someone will help me repair or replace my broken Mobility Senior Scooter… without it working I cannot get out of my home. Which does not allow me to do my errands as well as be a part of my community and it makes my depression worse. As I am Disabled and on oxygen 24 hours 7 days a week. Bless all those who pray for me, In Jesus name! Amen

Matko Boza prosze o trzezwosc w moim domu, rodzinie. O uwolnienie mojego taty i mojego brata z alkoholizmu. O ich nawrócenie i ich powrót do Boga i do kościoła.

That my marriage may be saved… and that we both, then, return to our shared path to sainthood.

Gracias Virgen María, por todas las bendiciones que derramas cada día en mi vida, en mi familia, en mi hogar, en los seres que tanto amo y con todas las personas que me cruzo a lo largo del día. Gracias Madre.

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Associazione Internazionale

Assemblea Generale Internazionale 2022

Assemblea Generale Internazionale 2022

Dal 14 al 17 ottobre 2022, rappresentanti di Associazioni di diversi paesi si sono riuniti su Zoom per discutere come condividere efficacemente il messaggio della devozione della Medaglia Miracolosa al mondo.

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Associazioni nazionali