On July 27, 2024, a momentous event took place at the Marian Center Building, San Marcelino St, Manila, Philippines. Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM, the Director General of the Association of the Miraculous Medal (AMM), blessed and consecrated the International Secretariat Office of the AMM. This significant event was held within the premises of the CM Central House Community, Marian Center, Manila.

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The AMM office shares the building with the VMY International Office, symbolizing a collaborative spirit and unity within the Vincentian Family. Fr. Tomaž dedicated the office to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, invoking her guidance and blessings for all the endeavors undertaken by the AMM.

The ceremony was attended by a distinguished group of participants, including Fr. Rolando F. Limjoco, Jr., CM (Choy), the Sub-Director; Pamela Mantuhac, the Assistant; Joseph Cong Thanh Nguyen, the Secretary; priests from the CM Central House Community; members of the VMY International Council and Secretariat, who had just concluded their face-to-face meeting the day before; and all the staff and volunteers of the Miraculous Medal Apostolate in the Philippines.

The AMM International Secretariat plays a vital role in maintaining communication with AMM groups worldwide. It supports the establishment of new AMM groups in various countries, fostering a global network of devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. The Secretariat is dedicated to spreading the message of the Miraculous Medal, a message that Our Lady entrusted to the Vincentian Family through her apparition to St. Catherine Labouré in 1830.

With this consecration, there is renewed hope that the AMM will reach every corner of the world, making known the profound message of the Miraculous Medal. This event marks a significant milestone in the mission of the AMM and reaffirms the commitment to Our Lady’s call for devotion and service.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM and all the participants who made this event possible. May Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal continue to guide and bless the AMM in all its endeavors.